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时间:2010-07-02 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:
简述 :平和开办十一年,获得“杰出学员”称号的学生总共不到十人,用“万里挑一”来形容一点不为过。在GLV,她不仅经历了英语水平从低级别到最高级别的飞跃,也因其非一般的勤奋好问被老师们称作“英文机器”而闻名全校。







R: 记者; E: Vivian; T:老师; GLV平和英语村


R: At this time, we will give you an interview about your language study in GLV. Now you’re one of the students who has lived and studied in GLV for such a long a time, more than half a year. You have studied in level 7 for more than 3 sessions, right?

R: 我们今天要访问一些在GLV超过半年的学生。(问)你在GLV Level7(高级别)已经学习了超过三期了?


E: I think it is more than 3 months

E: 我想超过三个月了。


Yes, yes, that is right. Twelve, twelve sessions, half a year.

T: 十二期。半年了。


R: What do you think about our school?

R: 你觉得我们学校怎么样?


E: You know, for me, I really like it here in GLV, because I really benefited much from being here. You know, I came here the first session and Joanna was the interviewer, and she asked me some questions, and I think it was about 10 questions. I didn’t understand two of them. And the sentence I always repeated was “Pardon, would you repeat the question again, please?” Yes, I really couldn’t understand at that time. But now, I think, it is not a big problem for me to understand when the foreigners talk to each other.  So I think GLV, in my heart, is the best school, and also I think, this feeling will stay with me the rest of my life.

E: 我非常喜欢这所学校,我从中受益匪浅。我记得当我刚来的时候Joanna面试过我,她问的十个问题中我能够听懂的不到两个,我说的最多的就是“Pardon”或是“Can you please say that again?”;而现在,我同外国人交流已经不成问题了。在我心中GLV是最好的学校,而我在这里获得的英语技能将伴我终生。


That’s very good. For many students, they think, if they reach level 7, they will be the best students in GLV and that they will leave GLV after finishing a session at this level. However for you, you studied in level 7 for more than 4 sessions. What do you think of having studied in level 7 for so long?

R: 大部分学生认为如果他们达到Level 7,便是GLV里面最好的学生了,他们就会毕业离开,而你在Level 7已经超过4期了,(T: 7期)你为什么持续这么久呢?


You know, here, the pity is I always say, the pity is, that I never qualified to study in level 8. But you know, I always talk to other students and maybe they think that, I have stayed at the same level for such a long time, I must feel bored? I said, at first, you must ask yourself a question: what is the purpose to study in GLV? And my answer is, here in GLV, GLV has a good environment. In GLV, you do not just can learn from the teachers, you also can learn from different students. I think, in GLV, I could learn new things everyday, not just that, if I stay in level 7, I will repeat the same materials. Yes, maybe, but the students are different, the teachers are different, and everyday you can get different ideas. So, I don’t think it is so boring.

E: (戏谑地)很遗憾我觉得我还没有够资格达到Level 8呢。(正常地)不过你知道,我常常同其他学生聊天时会有学生问我,总是停留在同一级别不会烦闷么?我觉得这个需要自我拷问:你来这里的目的是什么?GLV有着一个非常好的环境,我可以不单单只向老师学习,同时也向其他学生学习。在这里每一天我们都在学习新的东西。换句话说,我的学习资料可能是相同的,不过我的老师和同学们都不同,所以每一天我都在得到不同的想法,这样我如何会烦闷呢?


Very Good!



For most of the students who now study in GLV, they think the best choice for them is the foreign teachers. The foreign teachers they talk with must be native speakers. But I think if you study in GLV for a long time, you might have all kinds of teachers in GLV. What do you think of the different teachers?

R: 大多数在GLV学习的学生都想同以英语作为母语的外籍老师学习,我想你在GLV学习了这么长的时间,应该也与不同的老师接触过,那么你对我们的老师有什么看法?


between different teachers from different countries.  Many of the students just want to learn from American teachers or British teachers, so maybe they don’t like the Indian teachers and the teachers from other countries. So, how about you?

T: 我们的老师们都来自不同国家,然而许多学生只想跟美国或是英国老师学习,也许他们并不喜欢印度老师或是其他国家的老师,你呢?


As far as I am concerned, this is a very good experience , I think, for every student. Why? You know, when you are outside in the real world, you maybe will not just meet the foreigner who is a native speaker. You may meet with many people who can speak English. If you always concentrate on one accent, maybe later on when you meet with these people, maybe you cannot understand. But here in GLV, you practice your English everyday, and you face people from many different countries. All of them speak English well. You have time to practice, to listen to what they say, their accent, and later on maybe you will be not afraid when you meet with any foreigners. For me, I think this is excellent.

E: 就我而言,我认为这对于每一个学生来说都是一个很好的经验。尤其是当你步入真实世界,你可能遇到的外国人都不一定是以英语作为母语的人。你会遇见不同的人,来自不同的国家。如果你只是注重一种口音,当你遇到不同口音的时候可能根本就听不懂了。但是在这里我们已经每天都得到练习,同来自不同国家的老师交流,聆听他们并为不同口音做准备。如此使得我们在跟不同国家外国人交往不会感到害怕。所以对于我来说不同口音的老师不是问题。


How about your happiest experience in GLV?


Happiest? I think, I had very good classmates, you know, Vegas was one of my skills class teachers. Yes, that time were excellent days. We did a lot of taking, we had some debates, we expressed our opinions. We talked a lot, but not just free talk. We thought outside the box. Students   were encouraged to be creative in their thinking.   At that time we felt excited and our minds became open, not just in the, you know, in the traditional Chinese way of thinking.  Like why is the policy in China that one man can have just one wife. Why not two wives? Why, if the man has very good responsibility for the family, why can the man not have two wives? He can take care of the two wives very well, he can give the wives all the things they want. This is one of the examples. Of course we cannot change everything. I mean, sometime we really learn something from the western countries, and we can really sometimes use their advantages. And then we can combine our traditional thinking with the western ideas, and decide, what is good for us.

E: 最开心的事?我想是我在这里交到了非常要好的朋友,你知道,而Vegas是我们的技能课老师,那段时间大家一起过得非常开心。课堂上我们可以辩论、交换意见以及自由谈话。我们相互鼓励来跳出惯性思维,来进行创造性思维。我们常常兴奋不已并且得以心胸更为开阔。比如说我们有一次就是对于中国一夫一妻制的讨论。为什么一位男性只能有一位太太?假设一位优秀的男性可以很好的承担家庭责任,给予她们良好的生活,为什么他不可以娶两位太太?当然我们还有其他讨论,这个只是其中一个例子。将西方先进元素同中国文化融合,两相比较,我们可从中选择何者更适合自身。



Usually, you know, the students who come from level 1, level 2, they are afraid of talking to the students from higher levels. GLV provides many activities, such as outing, evening program, sports etc. But in the dining hall, when we have lunch, have breakfast, the lower level students, they’re just hiding somewhere, they are very afraid of talking to us. But if you want talk to them, they just say:” I don’t know how to say. I don’t know how to say.” So I suggest that they’d better join more activities. This is a chance for higher level students to become familiar with level 1, level 2 students, and that time, we can help them.


E: 通常,较低年级的学生对于同高年级学生讲话有怯懦感,他们不愿意开口。其实GLV已经提供了高年级学生可以与低年级学生一起活动的机会,像外出活动,晚间活动,运动等。但就算在餐厅就餐时,低年级的学生也常常躲在一边。如果我们主动跟他们说话,他们就会说“我不知道怎么说。”所以我建议他们多参加学校举办的活动,高年级的学生可以帮助和指导低年级学生,让大家得以熟稔。学生在这里不单单跟老师学习,相互之间也可以得以借鉴。


T: Yeah, also teaching is a good way to learn English. Yeah, you can know, how good you learned, if you teach them, you can know, I am good at English or not, that is a good way. Also you can help them, and help yourself.

T: 教导他人也是一个学习英语的好途径。当你指导他人时,你可以更好地得知自己的英语水平如何,而且也可以从学生处学到意想不到的东西。教学相长嘛。


E: 没错。教导他人可以让我们有成就感,从而让我们享受在这里的每一天。其实自从在这里学习以后,我就很想留在这里工作,而且常常问自己,如果我是这里的员工我会做些什么?我想,首先我们应当让新生尽快与老生熟悉起来,因为老生在这里学习时间长,有更多在GLV学习的经验。新生常有一种迫切想要提升自己英语能力的想法,希望找到学习英语的捷径。他们会相互询问一些英语学习方法,有一些可能是有帮助的,可如果咨询老生,他们可能会有更多好的经验与新同学分享。所以我认为低年级同学应该多参加一些这种活动与老生熟悉起来。

E: I agree with you! Sometimes, when you feel you really helped a person, you get a sense of achievement, you will be so proud of yourself, then you will like studying in GLV, you will enjoy everyday. You know I have thought about this a lot. If I have the chance, I would really like to be a staff of GLV because I really like it here. I have thought about this, if I were one of the staff in GLV, What would I do for the new students? I strongly suggest that the new students become friends with the current students because they really have the experience here. When the new students talk to the current students who have been here for a long time, I think these current students will really have some experiences to share, and they can give the new students some very good suggestions. And that is why I think GLV can have some activities for all students to participate in and become familiar with each other.





The new students need to know what the advantages of GLV are. You know, usually, students say I came to GLV to improve my writing, my reading, my grammar, and so on. But I think in GLV, they need to know to just concentrate on the environment and their oral English. Every training school has their own advantages, but it doesn’t mean, you can get all things you want. The new students need to know what GLV’s focus is, then, the new students can take advantage of their time here. For example, GLV focuses on speaking, so you have more chances to talk to each other, everyday you can practice your oral English, not just recite lots of words. Yes, you need to recite sometimes, but I think, if you recite a lot, and you seldom use the words, I don’t think you can remember how to use them in the long run. But if you speak more, you use the words more, then you won’t forget.


And you can know how much you have learned. If you teach you can know if your English is good or not. You can help the lower level students and yourself. Sometimes, when you feel you really helped a person, you get a sense of achievement, you will be so proud of yourself, then you will like studying in GLV, you will enjoy everyday.



Yes, that is a good suggestion.


But if GLV plans some activities for all levels, at that time, maybe students can be more familiar with each other. This would be a very good thing that GLV can do.  You know, the students from the higher levels can help the lower level students. Teaching is also a good way to learn English. You can know how much you have learned. If you teach you can know if your is English good or not. You can help the lower level students and yourself.


Yes, you know, GLV had an open house in Donggun. I went there with my husband, and suddenly the AA Nancy asked me to make a short speech. OK, that time Ping was there, I just made, maybe, a three minutes speech. My husband was shocked, because that was the first time my husband heard me speak all in English. And later on my husband sent a message to me, he said, he was so proud of me. He never thought I could speak English like that.

E: 是的。之前在东莞公开课的时候我和我先生一起去参加了。教学助理Nancy临时要求我做一个演讲。在毫无准备的情况下,我做了一个三分钟的演讲。我先生很是震惊。他说这是他第一次愿意听我说英语。后来在我来学校的路上,他给我发了一条信息告诉我,他非常为我感到骄傲,比起我以前来,我现在的英语能力实在是让人刮目相看,他十分惊喜。他昨天发信息跟我说,我们多次在书上看到“如果你想要得到改变,就全力以赴地去做”,在现实生活中我们常常只说而不做,但是现在作为他身边的人,我确实按照这样去做了。


So, you husband was very surprised?


Very surprised, you know, even yesterday, my husband sent a message to me. He said, you know, in the books, we can usually see the sentence, ‘if you want to change, then just do it’. Maybe we see this sentence in the books many times, but in the real world, I think we say it more than we actually do it. But for me, I become the person who did it.


Yes he is so proud of you. Well, we have run out of time and you have class. It was very good to talk to you.

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