简述 : 已过不惑之年的Mello从巴西远道而来,在平和短短四周的英语学习,让她深刻的体会到----平和,不仅仅是一间授人以鱼的英语学校,更是一间授人以渔的英语培训基地。 平和----一个让我开口说英语的地方 Mello Alcenira 2008-4-16 | 年轻的心,让我永保青春心态 | 害怕开口说英语----这是我到平和参加纯英语课程培训的目的。而现在,平和完全满足了我此行学英语的目的。 这里的教学方式非常好,老师和同学们时刻都在用英语沟通和交谈。我有很多的机会和几乎所有的老师交谈,同时也和同学们用英语交流着各自不同的想法。我们不仅仅是在课堂上用英语,而且使每天的日常生活也这样的用英语,包括上晚课的时候。 平和的老师们时刻都在关注和关爱着我们,不仅仅是每天的课堂和活动,让我们用不同的话题彼此交流,还鼓励、激发学生学习和练习使用英语的方法。 平和的全封闭英语课程,让我学会和掌握了如何更好的使用英语,我计划在不久的将来,我能再回到GLV,进一步学习和提高我的英语使用能力及技巧。 Putting aside my fear of talking in English was my purpose for attending GLV immersion English course.. GLV did completely satisfy my expectations. The method used for teaching is excellent! Between students and teachers we all talk to each other in English all the time . I had many opportunities to talk almost all teachers and exchanged ideas with my friends, not only during class, but during all daily needs. And even during the evening program. GLV’s team of teachers always care for us much, during all the daily activities, not only giving different topics for us to talk about but motivating and helping the students to learn and practice the way of using English language. I have learned very good experience in how to use English attending this course and I am planning to return here in the future to improve more my English language skills. Mello就读平和所在班级和老师:Ed(4C),Rodney(4B) 录入:Rambler Peng 编辑:Cathy Zheng