简述 :在通过大学英语四级之后,他清楚地知道自己要学习的仍然还有很多。在苹果公司工作时,曾因为自己憋足的英语口语而不能与外国客户进行交流。决心提高英语口语以追求一份更好的工作的他,在网上得知平和英语:一个纯英语特色的学习环境后,毅然辞去工作,来到平和… “我要一步一步往上爬” 作者:朱晓芬 (Judy Zhu ) 炎炎夏日,我再次踏入平和村。仍旧熟悉的味道,迎面而来的却是一张张新面孔。每一期新生换旧生,物是人非,不变的永是平和人灿烂的笑容。再次看见他——平和的又一传奇——Sam Xie,着实让我惊讶不已。
从Level 2A到Level 7B,他身上仿佛闪烁着平和英语的精神——勤劳,坚强。
去年我在这里当学生辅导员的时候,Sam仅是一个Level 2的学生。每次课堂总能看见认真的他积极地提问,给我留下了深刻的印象。一直到现在,他都坚持英语环境,没有违规说过一句中文!
在通过大学英语四级之后,他清楚地知道自己要学习的仍然还有很多。在苹果公司工作时,曾因为自己憋足的英语口语而不能与外国客户进行交流。决心提高英语口语以追求一份更好的工作的他,在网上得知平和英语——一个纯英语特色的学习环境后,毅然辞去工作,来到平和。 | 低级别:Level 2A 从基础学起! |
第一学期被分到Level 2, 可以想象那时的口语能力多么有限。但是他并没有气馁,反而加倍努力。他严格要求自己,不管在平和上课时还是下课在宿舍,都坚持用英语交流。甚至和舍友Joel约定:“在任何情况我们都一定要都坚持说英语!”他们真的做到了,仅仅一个星期,他就仿佛找到了英语语感,开始了他的英语学习之旅。 “开始的时候不要害怕说错,也不要勉强自己说完整的句子。”他用一口在平和学习的流利英语跟我们分享自己的学习经验。“学习语言是为了交流,并不是为了炫耀,”他继续告诉大家,“我们不可能记住所有的单词,但是只要掌握最常用的单词和基础语法,你就可以进行很好的交流了。”
| 这次转身,不知不觉间已驾驭曾让我烦恼的英语 | 每当被问及对自己英语级别的期望时,他诚实地告诉大家,他从未想过能像别人一样跳到高级别。他发现了自己的独特有效的学习方法。他说:“我们必须自己学会一天一天去适应。感谢平和,它让我完成了我的英语梦,让我找到了自信,也让我更多地了解了世界文化。我建议所以感到失望和想中途放弃的学员,想想自己当初决定留下来的理由,然后重新找回感觉,继续翱翔我们的平和英语梦。” “平和是学习英语的天堂,你很难找到另外一个如此特别的学习环境。每个人都奋发向上,每个人都是你的朋友!”
从平和的Level 7B毕业后的Sam,已经能和老外随意地交流。我们看到他已经走进了自己人生的其中一个梦想。但是他却不这么认为,他说自己要将英语学习进行到底,走到生命的每个角落。这种坚持,这种执着不禁让我想起周杰伦翻唱过的一首歌《蜗牛》……
原文: After returning to GLV this summer, I was surprised to see Sam Xie, a fellow student again. Sam is an outstanding student who has studied English in GLV from Level 2A to Level 7B, shows us that the only way to improve is through hard work and perseverance. Since I was a tutor at GLV last summer, Sam was been one of my favorite students in the Level 2 tutor class. He came to every class, listened carefully, and asked me lots of questions. And even up to now, no one has ever heard that Sam speak Chinese in school! After getting his CET 4 certificate in the university, Sam realized his English still needed improvement. He was not able to effectively communicate with English-speaking customers at his job, the Apple Company. One year ago Sam had a strong desire to improve his spoken English and get a better job. He began searching on the Internet for a place to learn English. He felt GLV was different from many others. Just at that moment, he determined, “I will quit my job and go to GLV for studying English!” He was put in Level 2 during his first session. You can imagine how limited his oral English was at the very beginning, but it didn’t frustrate him at all. On the contrary, it only pushed him to practice more. He never spoke Chinese whether at GLV or in the dormitory. He even made a mutual promise with his roommate Joel, “Let’s only use English to talk with each other no matter where we are!” And they really did it. Just after one week, he got used to speaking English and started to make progress. | 学的不仅是英语,还有说话的条理和胆量 |
“Don’t worry about the grammar mistakes; don’t use complicated words,” he says, sharing his experience with us by speaking fluent English that he has learned in GLV, “Learning language is for communication, but not for showing off.” He adds, “We are not able to remember all the words, but only the most commonly used daily ones and basic practical grammar tenses, which allow us to you can communicate well.” Through continuous practice and effort, he made obvious progress faster than what we could predict. According to the teachers, he was arranged to skip to higher level for nine times. But he refused several times. Because he wanted to take his time and enjoy studying here. Thanks to different classes from different teachers that he attended, he learned about various cultures, histories, technologies, and ways of thinking, etc, through using English as a tool. “You don’t have to wait, because GLV always provides you with the chances to talk and to get access to the world. But of cause you have to create opportunities by yourself and never wait for chances to come to you. You have to seize every precious opportunity to improve yourself, whether in English, or knowledge. ” And he is also thankful to many teachers who have helped him a lot. “I appreciate their kindness and encouragement. For example, Deepti, Donald and Marine, they can find their own special ways to teach students.”
When being asked about his expectation for his level, he told us honestly that he had never expected to jump class as the others did. He has discovered the most suitable learning way for himself. He said, “We have to adjust ourselves day by day. Thanks to GLV, I have got the skills up and built my confidence, and also I have more ideas about the cultures from different places all around the world. For the students who feel disappointed and want to give up half way, I suggest they refresh themselves, and keep on going.”
“GLV is an English-learning paradise; you can never find another school like this. Everybody works so hard and you can make a lot of new friends here. ” Graduated from Level 7B, Sam can communicate with many foreigners with the English that he has learned. We can say that Sam is making one of his goals come true. He doesn’t think so. He says he will never stop studying English and will devote himself to improving it for the rest of however his life. And we hope that this story of such an excellent student would give all of you the inspiration. We should keep one important notion in mind -- the only way to improve is through hard work and great perseverance. 毕业,即将翻开人生的新的一章(左五为Sam Xie) Sam Xie毕业时是平和英语的7级,主课老师:Dulce(7B),Aki(6C),Adam(6A),Zuber(5C),Ed(5B),Deepti(5A),Apple(4C),Zuber(4B),Amit(3C),Julie(3A),Deepti(2C),Allison(2A) 编辑:李丽仪