简述 :未曾期望英语能改变其生活的江云,走进了杭州平和,接受了为期一个月的纯英语浸泡,提高了英语学习的兴趣,开拓了视野,改变了许多生活观念。她真诚地感言:请体验和尝试一下,相信你也能拥有美好光明的未来。 学员江云是平和资深外教李桑娜SandraLee的“理想课堂”的学员,通过激情、和谐、宽松的课堂氛围的熏陶和浸泡,江云由衷地用英语撰文写下这个真实的故事。 Learning English in GLVHZ 江云Zoe Jiang 2007年8月28日 | 我为自己而鼓掌喝彩 | The world is changing. People are changing. We have been trying to adapt to the changes from the time of our birth.The first time learned English,I didn’t expect it would become a special lifestyle that would change my life. There usually are few opportunities for us Chinese to use English. This made me have very little passion towards learning English. | 老师给我带上了美丽花环 | However, Gateway Language Village, where learners learn English through living with native English speakers and pick up useful natural conversation, provides us a possibility for a less stressful and more fun environment to use the English language. GLV helped me develop many good language learning habits, such as keeping a journal, singing English songs, reading the China Daily every day and the most important – thinking in a different way. | 登台演出,忘了自己 | Teachers at GLVHZ seemed like my close friends instead of being like a teacher. They changed my many ideas about life. Sandra Lee, my skills-based teacher, helped me a lot, not only on the language itself but many useful tips in life as well. I will never forget the wonderful time I spent there. Just try it. You can have a bright future! 江云就读的班级和主课老师 SandraLee(7A),Sally(7C), 本文汉语翻译; 我在杭州平和学英语 本文英语原稿:在杭州平和学英语 英语输入及编辑:卢欣Cindy