一封来自美国的电子邮件 平和发展10年,从一个小小的废弃卡拉OK厅发展到今天的全国十大知名外语培训机构,期间得到了国内外众多朋友的支持和帮助。他们与平和的友谊,十年间几乎从未中断。这是一段割舍不掉的情意,是所有离开平和的朋友最难忘的一段回忆。 这是校长洪秀平收到的一封来自美国的电子邮件,短短的几行字间,表达了一位曾经在平和工作过的外国人对平和的眷恋、思念和祝福。 Dear Ping, Rodney sent me the video of the 10th Anniversary party and it was impressive to say the least. Only China can produce a party of such immense proportions. Your party ranks with Olympic festivities. GLV has come a long way in a short ten years. A school that sets the model for all English learning schools. It was my good fortune to have been a small part and I treasure the fond memories of that experience. As you probably know, economics in the US are going downhill in a furious slide and no one seems able to contain the inevitable. Lisa and I are fine, just taking one day at a time. Love and Peace, Norman 附中文翻译: Rodney给我寄来了10周年校庆晚会的录像,毫不夸张地说,它太精彩了。只有中国才能够组织这样极度和谐的晚会。你们的晚会可以和奥运庆典相比。 短短十年,平和英语取得了巨大的进步,为所有的英语培训学校树立了榜样。很幸运,我曾经是平和的一员,我非常珍惜那段亲身经历过的美好的记忆。 你可能知道,美国的经济状况正在剧烈下滑,而且没人可以抑制这必然的趋势。 Lisa和我都很好,我们珍惜和享受着每一天。 友爱平安 Norman 翻译:李兵 Lewis Lee 编辑:李兵 Lewis Lee