简述 :来自美国的资深外教Sandra lee,曾执笔撰写了有关杭州平和的系列报道,真切描述了在一个老外眼中看到的发生在杭州休博园内杭州平和从创建到开学的全过程。杭州平和开学已经四个多月了,如今,Sandra lee又用她特有的清新笔调述说这她所感受的一切。 HZ HAPPENINGS 美国 李桑娜 Sandra lee 
| all of us joined the team work |
From opening day on April 1st until August , where has the time gone? Well, we do have a saying, “time flies when you’re having fun.” I must say it has been mostly fun. Twice we’ve had fierce storms that flooded the bottom floor. That’s the bad news. The good news is how everyone pitched in. Staff, teachers and even some students all wielded mop0s and buckets and, in fact, it was kind of fun to get to play in the water!

| a big family | Our student population went from 50 to 150 in one session. Yes , the “summer rush” was on. Several teachers came up from Zhuhai to help us. The influx of younger students meant lots more rice had to be prepared. Young people bring hearty appetites with them!
We were delighted to have our first “second generation” 
| a wonderful family |
student join us. Richard Chen attended GLVZ five years ago. He was an excellent student, but more than that, he was so kind and helpful to others and set such a good example, as a student and a gentleman, that he received the highest honor we bestow; the Certificate of Distinction. He and I formed a friendship at that time which has endured. I was incredibly happy to see him here with his lovely wife, Mary and daughter Sabrina. He’s been anxious for Sabrina to turn sixteen so that she could attend his Alma Mater. 
| the cute babies |
After her month here, they are going for a family holiday to the U.K. They’ll get lots of practice speaking English there!
Kevin’s wife, Cici and precious new baby, Kimberly, have come to visit us. We also welcomed GLVHZ’s first baby Several of our staff members have been able to bring their children here for the summer holidays. What fun it is to see the children on our campus. Most of them don’t speak English, (yet!) so they must be quiet while in the school, but their twinkling eyes and childish energy add a true family feeling to our GLVHZ “family”.

| peter's family |
My students know that in my classes it is possible to have a “dream class”. This is a class in which the students talk for the whole time and I just sit back and correct English. I’ve had that happen several times since we opened and that has been wonderful. Recently I had a class of six lively women. Emily Lee, Linda Fang, Liza Wu, Lydia Shan, Zoë Jiang and Stan Chen.

| girls' class | They flew through the tasks in the book the first week and the whole second week was a “dream week”! What an incredible experience for all of us. Believe me, the discussions were very lively. These were women of strong opinions which they didn’t mind expressing. I learned so much from them. I don’t think any of us will forget our time together. Several of them wrote a story and they are attached to this newsletter. We love to include student stories on our site. Yes, even after you leave us. Remember, once here, you are always part of our GLVHZ family. We continue to have new teachers join us. We now have teachers from Indonesia, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, 
| "We are the teachers." | Britain, Canada, the U.S, the Philippines, India and of course so many parts of China. It’s a great group. We were warned that in the summer Hangzhou is a furnace and I wasn’t looking forward to it. I’m a big baby when it comes to weather. I want it not too hot and not too cold. Hawaii weather, in other words! I have been so delighted to have such lovely summer weather here. Yes, there’ve been a few “furnace” days and if out in the sun in the afternoon, better bring an umbrella – but it is cool in the evenings and mornings, there is usually a nice breeze blowing; it’s been a lovely summer in this beautiful area. Of course there are those amazing thunderstorms that make the air smell so fresh. I hope all who are reading this can also say that they are having a beautiful and fun summer. Aloha, Sandra Lee 编辑:江筱汝 Ruby Jiang 系列报道相关链接 本文中文翻译:杭州平和夏之趣味与可爱 英语原稿:杭州夏季之趣味 系列报道之四 英语原稿:杭州如期开学了 系列报道之三 英语原稿:春到杭州 系列报道之二
英语原稿:杭州希望热土 系列报道之一 翻译稿:杭州夏季之趣味 系列报道之四 翻译稿:杭州平和如期开学了系列报道之三 · 美丽杭州春来了!系列报道之二 · 杭州平和——充满希望和生机之地 ! 系列报道之一 · 美丽的中国海南 本文作者撰写散文