简述 :平和名师来自美国的资深外教Sandra lee执笔撰写了有关杭州平和的系列报道,真切描述了在一个老外眼中看到的发生在杭州休博园内杭州平和从创建到开学的全过程。视角独到,文笔清新。她本人也在参与学校筹建过程中亲历亲为,无私奉献了心血和才华。 We built a school in Hangzhou HANGZHOU HAPPENINGS (系列报道之三) 李桑娜Sandra Lee ( 美国) 2007年6月2日  | 我们真的做到了! | We did it! We built a school in Hangzhou. The teachers and more staff arrived. The last of the paint and tile and electric connections and all the many details of building were done. ( Well, nearly all…) The classrooms were ready and we had a wonderful Opening Day Ceremony on April 1st. A planeload of GLV Zhuhai arrived to help us celebrate and the very active Shanghai Alumni Association joined us as well. They came bearing a most magnificent gift; a beautiful bronze ding which sits majestically on a lacquered pedestal. There were dignitaries galore and they all spoke and cheered us on. The buffet dinner served was delicious. A good time was had by all! 
| 鼎立相助——平和校友会 | Our first three groups of students tell us they are very happy here. The dormitory situation is quite nice and we have added many sports for their enjoyment. We have a football field, a basketball court, table tennis and badminton. Good ways to work off any student stress. We are small enough to have the chance to get acquainted and the camaraderie between students , teachers and staff is enjoyed by all. It reminds me of the early days of GLVZH. When I arrived we had between twenty and thirty students at every session. We all still remember the friendships that were made at that time and I think the same will be true here.  | 外教们和厨师交流做西餐 | The food served is absolutely delicious. Jordan and Steven and their crew do a wonderful job of making both the Chinese and the foreign staff and students happy. I no longer say that I don’t like Chinese food. I have had so many good dishes both here at the school and at local restaurants. Teacher Sally Schultz loves to cook, so she is preparing to work with the kitchen staff to teach them some popular western dishes to add to the menu. 
| 师生员工亲如家人 | We have outings and sometimes it is hard to choose where to go because the area has so many beautiful destinations. Some of us are already exploring nearby cities on the weekends, like Shanghai, Suzhou and Wuxi. The spring flowers are gradually giving way to the summer flowers, so, as the azaleas begin to fade, the roses are blooming everywhere. We frequently go to the English Corner on Sunday mornings.  | 学员课余玩得很开心 |
It is a very interesting one. People gather in informal groups at the West Lake lakeside and chat away in English. They have been doing this for years. Of course they love it when a foreigner joins them, but that isn’t necessary for a successful Corner. Many of the participants speak excellent English and encourage those who need some support to develop confidence and speak up. If you are reading this you must have some interest in GLVHZ. If so, please come and visit us! 英语原稿:杭州平和如期开学了! 翻译稿:杭州平和如期开学了 相关系列报道链接: · 美丽杭州春来了! · 杭州平和——充满希望和生机之地 ! · 美丽的中国海南 。英语原稿:美丽杭州春来了 翻译、编辑:洪秀娟 翻译审稿Silen