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时间:2008-11-21 00:00:00  来源:杭州平和  作者:Anna White






                                                                           Anna White  



What is time? Many great men cannot answer the question in one or two minutes. The American Stephen Hawking answered it his <A brief history of time >. Gorky’s time report says that the fastest but the slowest, the longest but the shortest, the most ordinary but the most precious, the easiest to neglect but often to regret thing is time. What does time like? I think no one can draw a very clear picture of it. But on the other hand, we can hear the sound ofhis steps everywhere in the world.

When the sun is just in the horizon, with the ocean surface awaking, when the darkness comes after a raw twilight, flashing its new black coat, the time talks in his always rhythm. Neither the sunshine nor the gloominess can change the world’s wonderful musician’s permanent rhythm. He conducts the music of all the livings on the earth.
When the exciting cry in the delivery room announces to the world, when the sad tears makes a tomb of regret and pain. The time walks without saying anything, leaving no sign to stoop. Neither the happiness nor the sorrow can urge the balky passing traveler to stay. He travels on a season train, he gets on and off at the right moment and the right station.

When the volcano erupts with the hot liquid roaring, when the war breaks with the bullets flying, the time walks without glimpsing at it. Neither the nature nor the human can make the time at one point forever.

He filters down like soft light through the leafless shrubbery. He currents like speeding water between your long fingers. And he tears down the calendar’s paper one piece after another. He is a magician, chaging the future into the present, the present into the past, the past into the long history.

What does time do? He tells a seed how to grow, how to become a big tree and how to contribute. He whispers to a flower, telling her jokes to make her smile. He matures a little boy in a gradually way.

What characters does time have? He is generous first. He gives you the time you should have, asking for nothing. Secondly I think he is fairer than the god. No matter who you are, a millionaire or a beggar .No matter what you do, a good deed or a notifiable offence .He gives you the same days matching with the same hours. But there is a secret. The key is to the door of success what the attitude is to the time. He will build a garden of delicious fruits behind you if you value him. He will turn into stand to bury you if you disregard him. In a word, we should make every minute counts for others also for ourselves .Our teachers and parents often remind us that we should make every minute useful. As it is, we are working hand for aw bright future. Time flies, so we make a determination that we can fly faster.



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