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How to make our students love English class

时间:2008-06-23 00:00:00  来源:征文比赛  作者:潘芬兰


简述:《“平和英语杯”我的英语学习之路》应征文 作者:潘芬兰,来自南昌师范高等专科学校(莲塘校区)


How to make our students love English class





I am a teacher of NanChang Teachers’ School. In our school, we have 2,000 students. They are from different urban. And they are also the students who can’t go to senior school. Though most of them are not good at studies especially English. As an English teacher in normal school, you need to master more knowledge and methods to teach them. Because they don’t like anything.


To fulfill the needs of our students, you need to use many ways to make them concentrate on English.


But what’s the most important thing is how to make them love English. English, to most of the Chinese, is not the thing you need to make life colorful. They don’t think if they don’t know English they can’t live well. So, to our teachers it’s a headache problem.


To make our students love English means to make them more active in learning English. In our classes, many students just do what they like especially in computer-majored classes. So every time we begin a class, we begin with a song or a joke, and even a part of performances of popular films or cartoons.


And when we learn new words, we use the phrases to make sentences which must have something to do with the things they are interested in. And this can make them recite them quickly. I find that most students can not get high marks in English is because they can not remember the vocabulary. Although they can make many sentences in Chinese, they can’t express them in English. Because they don’t know how to say Chinese words in English, even they know how to say them in English they don’t know how to arrange them.


So while we are teaching them to remember the vocabulary, we must teach them the grammar. I often tell them that learning English likes building a house. If you want to build the most beautiful house in the world, you must know how to arrange the bricks and concrete. And it’s the same, word is the brick, and grammar is concrete. If you can use the word and grammar freely, you can master the beauty of English. No one wants to live in a shabby house, so build your dreamy house.


Of course, the most important thing in learning English is that you must use them in daily life, No one will learn something that you can’t use in daily life. It’s meaningless. So we create circumstances in which we can only use English to communicate or you can’t get this part of marks. Students play an important part in this activity. They can talk everything they like in English and teacher walks around the class to listen, sometimes join one or two groups’ discussion. And I give them some proverbs or little jokes everyday, and check them irregularly.


When I teach the texts, I often ask them to paraphrase some sentences in other words(in English), and ask them to pick out the phrases, and paraphrase the structures, find the answers in the text by themselves. Sometimes even ask some students to have a class. In a word you need use different methods everyday to inspire the students’ interests, and you also need to know much knowledge of other areas such as science, history, geography, biology and so on. Students will have all kinds of questions they want to ask everyday. So to be a teacher means to be a scholar.


The more you know our students, the more you will learn to teach them well. And you can make progress together with them. Be confident with yourself and your students!



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